If you’ve never had a massage before, you’ll have questions. So I’m going to address all those massage FAQs you might have, even the embarrassing ones! That way you won’t have to ask them to our faces (although, you still can, of course!).

Is massage painful?

It’s not unusual to feel some soreness after a massage treatment. This is due to a release of lactic acid in the muscles, but it doesn’t last long. You may also have some discomfort during your massage. This depends on the area we’re working on and any pre-existing pains. Throughout the treatment I will always check how the pressure is to minimise unnecessary pain or discomfort.

Is it okay to ask for more or less pressure?

Yes! A good massage therapist will check in with you during your massage to make sure the pressure is okay.

Be mindful that massage doesn’t have to cause you pain to be effective. Some massage techniques are pretty gentle. But do speak up and ask your therapist if you’d like more or less pressure during your session. We won’t be offended!

Do I have to take my clothes off?

No! Depending on what will be treated. You will be asked to remove clothing only as far as you feel comfortable.  For full body treatments dressing down to underwear may be preferable but not we can always work around things. My main objective is that you feel safe and comfortable in the space. I always recommend bringing shorts and a bra that can undo from the back as the straps are generally thinner and easier to work around.

I always leave the room while you’re undressing and will provide towels and blankets to cover you during the massage. There are some massages that work well if you want to remain clothed, so discuss this with me before you book.

What if I need the bathroom?

It is recommended to go to the bathroom before your session but it can occasionally happen that you’ll need to go during the massage. Toilet facilities are available

I’m self-conscious about _____. What should I do?

First and foremost my main objective is to help sort whatever issues you may have. With that being said there may be occasions where the body displays certain signs and symptoms that might be related to your problems you may be having.

We all have parts of our body we’re self-conscious about. Some areas you may be concerned about are:

  • Your weight
  • Unwanted body hair
  • Scars
  • Acne or other skin blemishes

Please don’t let this stop you from getting help from a massage therapist. If you’re sensitive about a particular area, they can be avoided without any issues. 

What if I pass gas during a massage?

When you’re in a relaxed state, you might pass gas during your massage. It may even occur when the therapist applies direct pressure to a particular area.

Any massage therapist will let you know this is normal and just shows you’re relaxed. You’ll get zero judgment from me. If you can’t bear to let it happen, just excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.

Should I see a Massage Therapist if I’m not in pain?

Massage therapy is a great natural solution when you want relief from pain but it can also be used as a preventive treatment too. Seeing a massage therapist regularly can help:

  • Lower cortisol and raise serotonin levels to calm and relax your body
  • Loosen tight muscles, which may increase blood flow, leading to lowering your blood pressure.

Should I talk to the therapist during my massage?

Some people prefer to chat during their massage session but don’t feel you have to make conversation. If you want to close your eyes and relax, that’s alright. I will always communicate with you if you need to change position or how the pressure is. During a sports massage for example there would be a higher level of communication as there is a lot more movement and techniques used. 

Do speak up if:

  • You’re feeling hot or cold
  • You’re in pain
  • You have questions, or you forgot to mention something important during the consultation

What if I fall asleep and drool or snore?

It’s normal to fall asleep during a massage. You might be feeling stressed and sleep-deprived, so falling asleep is normal once you’re in a relaxed state.

There’s zero judgment from me if you snore. I’m pleased you’re relaxed enough to fall asleep and we won’t mention it.

Drooling is also common, especially if you’re on your front. Tissue is free and available anytime.

What services do you offer?

We offer a range of sports therapy services, including sports massage, deep tissue massage, injury rehabilitation, injury prevention, spinal alignment, assisted stretching, and more.

What happens if I'm ticklish?

Please let me know but it is normally established within the consultation before your session. I can use firm, slow pressure or, if you’re extremely sensitive, can avoid your tickle spots.

How can I be sure a massage clinic is reputable?

Do your research by checking websites or calling to find out what services are offered. Google reviews are also a good way to get other people’s experiences. I’m fully licensed and insured.

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Not sure what type of massage is right for you? Schedule a free no-obligation phone consultation. You can book your appointment or consultation today!

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